Why SEO Services Are Still Considered Important More Than Ever To Companies
- 28 July, 2015
- Jason Ferry
- SEO Services
Recently, there are discussions circulating about the significance of SEO along with the appropriate implementation of it in one’s online marketing campaign. There are observers who have claimed that SEO company services are less needed now as they believed it is the substantial contents that helps in boosting the search ranking results.
But of course, with the ever growing competition in the online world today, SEO remains to have that determining control to establish a company’s name and brand in the search engines. In fact, it turned to become more important than before. Listed below are some reasons behind it:
The Improvements Implemented By Key Updates and Algorithms
Before, there are different black-hat SEO strategies that proliferated and was allowed since Google hasn’t rolled out yet its strict algorithms that are now seen. Some of these black hat SEO strategies that involves spamming, keyword stuffing, and low-quality and duplicate contents for link-building techniques just to land on the top of search engine ranking results. Oftentimes, these do not have any relevant and useful information that the users need at all.
Thankfully, there are improvements that were done by SEO experts and these black hat SEO strategies have no place in Google’s scrutiny anymore. Another good news is Google even penalise websites that applies these strategies in order to provide users with only quality websites.
Notable updates like Panda, Penguin, and the so-called Mobilegeddon obliges the company and SEO experts to adhere to the rules and use only the legal techniques to benefit both their websites and the online users. Also, these updates make the company develop the habit of only utilising the good SEO practices in their online marketing efforts.
Do not be left behind with the latest updates that Google will implement. In this way, you can be a step ahead for sure.
SEO plays a vital role in the Mobilegeddon update
As what was previously mentioned, Mobilegeddon is one of the updates that Google has rolled out this year. Google shared the information that they are receiving more search queries from mobile platforms than from desktop computers. This means more users are now depending on their smartphones and tablets when they are looking for something online. This should be included in the next meeting you will do with your consultant regarding future SEO services you need.
Google has also made it clear there are forthcoming penalties too for websites that aren’t mobile-friendly and compatible with the devices for this kind of search queries. This update challenged numerous companies and their SEO consultant to conform to the standards set by Google so they can remain on their popularity search results or achieve a higher ranking.
Mobilegeddon helps online users to get the best out of their queries as only quality websites for mobile usage are sure to get the top spot or land in the first page of the search results.
Voice patterns can become the next convenient method to do search queries.
What’s another innovative step to look forward in SEO for mobile users? That is the voice query. Smartphones and other mobile devices have the function for recognising the voice pattern of the user and translate it into inputs for the search engines. Companies should take note of this as early as now for them to prepare in the event Google will implement another update focusing on voice queries.
It is expected to have an increase in the number of mobile voice search with more users counting on their handy devices. Therefore, the natural speech patterns can be included into the keywords used in white hat SEO strategies done to companies’ websites.
These are few of the reasons why SEO is and will remain to be important in the online marketing campaign of any company, regardless as to what industry they’re working for. Taking advantage of the potentials of SEO services in their advantage will only result to a huge success.