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Why The Best SEO Companies UK Wide Stay Calm When Google Updates Algorithms

Best SEO Companies UK

The best SEO companies UK wide know that Google is constantly striving to improve its search results for users by refining and updating its algorithms. Sometimes, these changes throw the world of SEO and website owners into a spin – the effects of the Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird updates reverberated for months afterwards. Other times, changes go unnoticed. So how much attention should you or the SEO consultants you employ pay to Google’s actions?

We’re led to believe that Google’s approach to algorithm updates is shrouded in mystery. Very often, the world’s largest and most widely used search engine doesn’t make a big announcement – or indeed ANY announcement - when something changes. And that has led to plenty of frenzied speculation among commentators, companies offering SEO services and website owners of all shapes and sizes. Fear and suspicion that Google is constantly looking for new and inventive ways of penalising low quality webpages abounds. But is that really the case? In an unusual step in March and June of 2019, the technology company announced the launches of two broad core algorithm updates. That these changes were confirmed at all suggested they were ones that would have significant ramifications for websites and their position in the search engine rankings. But Google simply announced that as far as it was concerned, for these updates, there was nothing for SEO experts or website owners to fix. Business as usual. But is this true or a stealthy attempt to catch websites out? In fact, Google makes hundreds of updates every year, on a daily basis. As an example, it announced that 665 improvements were made to the search function in 2012 alone.

So it’s reasonable to assume that there are one or two algorithm changes daily, all year round. If you check out Google’s own document on How Search Works, you’ll find there’s a lengthy list of projects its software engineers are working on continuously. These cover such wide-ranging areas as updating its books, news, weather and sports results to making improvements specifically for mobile devices. It works on new ways for users to search, such as by image or through voice queries; and innovative methods of evaluating the quality and trustworthiness of information on individual sites, amongst a host of other projects. Listing every change, amendment or update to algorithms to cover each of these areas would not only be time-consuming, it would be counter-productive. Professional SEO services could tie themselves in knots trying to analyse and react to every single one of these changes. And that’s why Google is saying you shouldn’t even try. Not that the best SEO companies UK wide and beyond won’t aim to keep on top of SEO for your site as a whole, but that they shouldn’t let algorithm changes throw them off course. The message, in short, is Keep Calm and Carry On.

Don’t think you can completely dispense with SEO, though, or that there’s no point in trying if you don’t know what you’re striving for. The best SEO companies UK wide will continue to keep abreast of Google’s intentions and changes on your behalf and implement SEO policies and procedures that will keep you ahead of the game. And as ever, that centres on keeping your website relevant, functional and constantly refreshed with content that genuinely addresses users’ intentions.

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Author: Jason Ferry
Jason Ferry is an SEO specialist based in the United Kingdom. Taking pride in his many years of experience in the search engine optimisation industry, he has honed his skills in various digital marketing processes. From keyword marketing, website auditing, and link building campaigns, to social media monitoring, he is well-versed in all of them. Jason Ferry’s excellent skills in SEO, combined with his vast experience, makes him one of the best professionals to work with in the industry today. Not only does he guarantee outstanding output for everyone he works with, but also values a deep relationship with them as well.

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