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SEO Content

Google’s John Mueller recently told site owners that using bold text can do wonders for one’s SEO content development strategy. This is because doing so can help the search engine better comprehend the SEO content. Mueller discussed this topic in the Google Search Central SEO office-hours hangout on 12 November 2021. An SEO asked if […]
In any good SEO content creation strategy, publishers strive to write relevant and unique title tags for their pages. However, many SEO content experts still don’t fully understand how much of an impact title tags actually have on rankings. People also have their doubts about the right way to write title tags. In a recent […]
SEO content checks are done to ensure the clarity and relevance of articles and blog posts. In an Office-hours hangout, one SEO asked Google’s John Mueller if writing quality SEO content would help them build trust with Google. Mueller advised the SEO to stop stressing about gaining Google’s trust and instead advised on how to […]
In August, Google introduced a new way of generating title links for Google SEO content. The company stated that their new system generates more appropriate titles for SEO content as a whole to explain what they are about regardless of the user’s specific query. However, many SEO agencies and online businesses provided numerous examples of […]
Online businesses and site owners need a good SEO content strategy when writing headings for their product pages. In a Google Office Hours hangout, John Mueller was asked about using heading tags on product pages. It’s an excellent question because Google’s SEO Starter Guide gives insights on creating heading tags for SEO content in general, […]
SEO experts and website owners sometimes make use of captchas when they plan an SEO content strategy. But according to Google, websites can encounter issues if their SEO content is hidden behind captchas. This is because captchas essentially prevent Googlebot from crawling the content. Why Use Captcha “Captcha” is actually an acronym that stands for […]
Online businesses and site owners spend lots of time and effort on SEO content development, especially when writing articles that could impact people’s health, finances, and life in general. With a considerable number of websites publishing SEO content containing crucial advice, readers should always double-check facts, especially the authors of the content they read. For […]
SEO content writing strategies help websites rank well in the search results. An important part of any SEO content strategy is planning where to place a call to action or advertisement on the page. Many site owners and publishers think that if they put ads above the main content, their rankings will be negatively affected. […]
Site owners and publishers create Google SEO content to boost their rankings and gain traffic. An SEO recently asked Google’s John Mueller for advice about content with low traffic and poor search visibility. Mueller replied that low traffic does not necessarily mean that an SEO content page is of low quality and offered solutions to […]
The right SEO content creation strategy can get articles featured in Google News. Google recently gave SEO content publishers five helpful insights to better understand how to get news articles to appear in Google Search and Google News. Google published a blog post with answers to the most commonly asked questions about news content. In […]