
Google Explains How They Organise Information On The SERPs

how to plan new seo search techniques
Google published a new company blog where they explain how they organise their search index and how it can make SEO search results more useful. With this new information, webmasters and businesses should upgrade their search engine optimization techniques to get the best results.

In the blog post, the search engine giant discussed their primary goals regarding how they present search results. Google aims to organise the information in search results so searchers can easily scan and digest what they see and quickly get the answers to their queries.

The biggest challenge that the search engine company is facing today is not only about indexing all the websites on the Internet but also presenting them in a way that can be beneficial and accessible to their users.

In the past, Google only updated their search index once a month. Now, there is so much information from thousands of websites that the need for organising the search index is always present; Google never stops updating their search index.

The search engine results pages are always presented in various formats because it entirely depends on the information or answers that the searchers are looking for. For instance, if a searcher is looking for a job, they would usually want to be presented with a list of opportunities. For searchers who want to find a restaurant, seeing a map is the best way to find a spot near their location.

Now, Google is adding new features to their SEO search engine to make it easier for their users to digest information, such as star labels for reviews, carousels that present videos and news, knowledge panels for companies, people, and events, rich imagery for recipe results, and so much more.

Google says adding such features will benefit both publishers and searchers. Website owners now have a greater opportunity to secure a position on the first page while searchers can now easily find the information they are looking for.

As the company enhances their search engine's user experience, data shows that searchers spend more time on the websites that they visit. According to Google, the amount of time that they have spent on the website links that they click has significantly increased compared to last year.

Moreover, their new way of organising information on search engine results pages has something to do with moving the most helpful and relevant information to the top. They consider several factors, like the freshness of the content and the words that appear on the webpage, to determine which information is relevant to the searcher's query.

If questions from searchers require indisputable answers, then Google will give them exactly that. However, some questions do not require direct answers, so the search engine matches the results according to the search intent.

For instance, a searcher could just type in the word "pizza", which is too vague for a direct answer. It could mean pizza recipes, delivery options, or pizza restaurants nearby. In such cases, the search engine will rely on Google systems and the data that they have.

Based on what Google systems have learned, searchers who type in the word "pizza" are most likely looking for pizza restaurants, and so the search engine will show a map with local restaurants for such queries.

Position1SEO understands that website rankings are always dynamic; this is because user behaviour also changes every day, and that means their queries will also change according to the latest trends. To satisfy their users, Google constantly evaluates the quality of search results, ensuring that everyone presented with the most relevant answers.

And since Google algorithms are always changing, webmasters and business owners also need to change their search engine optimization strategies regularly. By always planning and updating their SEO techniques, one can certainly reach a wider audience and eventually grow their business.

For affordable SEO packages, you may call us on 0141 846 0114. Likewise, you can write to us at office@position1seo.co.uk and get your free SEO audit!

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Author: Jason Ferry
Jason Ferry is an SEO specialist based in the United Kingdom. Taking pride in his many years of experience in the search engine optimisation industry, he has honed his skills in various digital marketing processes. From keyword marketing, website auditing, and link building campaigns, to social media monitoring, he is well-versed in all of them. Jason Ferry’s excellent skills in SEO, combined with his vast experience, makes him one of the best professionals to work with in the industry today. Not only does he guarantee outstanding output for everyone he works with, but also values a deep relationship with them as well.

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