
Google: How To Spot Fake News Online

how to conduct an seo content check

SEO content, especially news articles, should always be relevant, timely, and genuine. There are a lot of things happening around the globe, but unauthoritative publishers are widespread as well. For this reason, it is crucial for readers to conduct an SEO content check to ensure that what they are reading is true.

With significant news happening all around the world – such as elections and the COVID-19 pandemic – over 50,000 fact checks were conducted over the past year, and all of them had received more than 2.4 billion impressions in Search within that timeframe.

A lot of external research states that doing a fact check can help prevent falsehoods. Researchers Yamil Velez, Thomas Wood, and Ethan Porter state that SEO content checks can reduce the effects of misinformation on beliefs, specifically about vaccines for COVID-19.

However, it is crucial for businesses and SEO agencies to know that fact checks are not only done by professionals; even normal readers can search for proof to confirm or refute a piece of content that they are uncertain about. Last year, there was an increase in Google searches that start with “is it true that”, which only proves that a lot of readers online are being more careful when digesting information on the Internet. This also pushes businesses and agencies to write even higher quality SEO content and check the facts first before publishing them.

Below are some helpful tips that help readers to better spot misinformation online.

Searching Google For Images

A single picture can tell a compelling story, but it could also be edited to mislead readers or taken out of context. Today, readers have the option to search using a photo by right-clicking on it and selecting “Search Google for Image”. Mobile users can also search with an image by touching and holding it.

Fast-checking photos can help searchers to determine if the picture has already appeared online before and how it was used in previous articles. By doing so, they can see if the photo was altered from its original context.

News Coverage

People can search a piece of content on Google and select the “News” option to spot misinformation. News stories that are relevant to the topic searched will be displayed in the results. By doing so, the reader can see various news outlets and compare how they have reported on the same event.

Moreover, readers have the option to switch to news mode and choose the “Full Coverage” to get the full picture of the story.

Fact Check Explorer

One of the best ways to confirm if a piece of content or a claim by a viral meme is true is by consulting fact-checkers online. They can confirm if a specific news article was already fact-checked. In particular, Google’s Fact Check Explorer has over 100,000 fact checks from reputable publishers worldwide that users can refer to.

Google Maps And Google Earth

A searcher can determine if a picture was actually taken from the place it claims to be from by using Google Maps and its Street View feature or Google Earth. The former helps users know if the location of an image is authentic, while Google Earth allows one to determine what a place looks like in real life.

Improve Your Website With The UK’s Best SEO Agency

Position1SEO provides you with fresh, relevant, and genuine content that complies with Google’s algorithms. We will also take care of your webpage optimisation, providing you first with an in-depth SEO audit to determine what needs to be improved upon.

Our team will work to reduce the bounce rate of your visitors, increase your site traffic, provide your users with a better browsing experience, and more. You can also expect us to improve your site’s loading speed, performance, and accessibility, among others.

If interested, email us at office@position1seo.co.uk or call us on 0141 846 0114. Our experienced professionals will be more than happy to provide you with the bespoke SEO solution that your website truly needs.

Fact-Check Content - SEO Content Check | Position1SEO
Author: Jason Ferry
Jason Ferry is an SEO specialist based in the United Kingdom. Taking pride in his many years of experience in the search engine optimisation industry, he has honed his skills in various digital marketing processes. From keyword marketing, website auditing, and link building campaigns, to social media monitoring, he is well-versed in all of them. Jason Ferry’s excellent skills in SEO, combined with his vast experience, makes him one of the best professionals to work with in the industry today. Not only does he guarantee outstanding output for everyone he works with, but also values a deep relationship with them as well.

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