
Google Webmasters Central Renamed To Search Central

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After five years, Google has recently announced to website owners and providers of Google SEO services that they are changing the Google Webmasters Central brand name. However, they told Google SEO companies and webmasters that their goal remains the same: to help businesses improve their website's visibility on Google Search.

Google Webmasters Central will now be called "Google Search Central". This name change means that they will support not only webmasters but also online marketers, SEO agencies, bloggers, website owners, web developers, and more.

It also means that some of the properties of Google Webmasters Central will be redirected to the new location. These properties include help forums, social channels, documentation, guidelines, and blogs.

Aside from URL redirects, they will also change their name on social channels, and the content will be transferred from one location to the other. This transition will continue over the upcoming weeks. Even the existing content, such as email lists and RSS feeds, will be redirected, so providers of Google SEO services do not need to update their subscriptions.

As for the Webmaster Help Community, it will become the Google Search Central Help community. The new URL will include various webmaster central blogs, the Search Console help centre's search-related documentation, and different Google Webmaster webpages. The names on their YouTube channel, as well as their Twitter account, will also change.

SEOs might not be able to notice that the email subscriptions and RSS feeds are being transferred to the new name, but the blogs are certainly changing. The main blog and thirteen localised blogs are being centralised to one location for easier content searching and switching between languages. This also allows Google to publish content in a more centralised place.

The History Of Google Webmasters Central

Initially, Google launched this platform as Google Sitemaps. In August 2006, Google Sitemaps widened its charter, changing its name to Webmaster Central. This allowed Google Sitemaps to become Webmaster Tools.

Afterwards, the Google Sitemaps blog became the Google Webmaster Central blog for expanded focus, and then came the webmaster help centre. Following this, the larger Google Group had to take over the Sitemaps group, making it just another subcategory among with many others that are relevant to all sorts of website owner issues.

In May 2015, Google did another name update, changing Webmaster Tools to Search Console; this was the first sign of Google broadening the scope. A year ago, Google changed the name of the group from Google Webmaster Trends Analysts to Google Search Relations.

These name updates are important for Google SEO companies, including marketers, website owners, web developers, and other SEOs, because the lifeline to Google is through the Google Search Central team. These people at Google assist SEOs by providing them with support and clarity, especially when new features are launched, bugs need to be fixed, and so on.

And finally, the name change just shows how much effort Google's team is exerting to continue supporting the ever-expanding industry.

Handling a business's SEO is a challenging task, especially if you are not aware of the updates in Google's algorithms or changes in how they work. Here at Position1SEO, we can provide your business with effective, up-to-date strategies that boost your SEO and guarantee better rankings.

Our white hat techniques comply with Google updates, preventing you from getting penalties while still bringing more traffic to your website. By writing relevant content, you can build trust among your target audience and boost your brand reputation online. This eventually increases sales and helps your business grow bigger in the long run.

For affordable SEO packages, you may call us on 0141 846 0114. Likewise, you can write to us at office@position1seo.co.uk and get a free SEO audit!

Webmaster Central Renamed - Google SEO Services | Position1SEO
Author: Jason Ferry
Jason Ferry is an SEO specialist based in the United Kingdom. Taking pride in his many years of experience in the search engine optimisation industry, he has honed his skills in various digital marketing processes. From keyword marketing, website auditing, and link building campaigns, to social media monitoring, he is well-versed in all of them. Jason Ferry’s excellent skills in SEO, combined with his vast experience, makes him one of the best professionals to work with in the industry today. Not only does he guarantee outstanding output for everyone he works with, but also values a deep relationship with them as well.

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