
Improved TF-Ranking Coincides With Recent Google Algorithm Updates

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SEO specialist companies are looking forward to the release of new technology from Google that allows for faster and easier algorithm research and development. With this new technology, the search engine company can deploy new algorithms quickly, and SEO specialists must strive to get ahead of the competition by immediately updating their websites and complying with the latest guidelines.

Moreover, the new technology can help Google rapidly improve natural language processing (NLP), new anti-spam algorithms, and other ranking-related systems and launch them faster than before.

TF-Ranking Occurs As Google Launches Recent Updates

The TF-Ranking occurred during Google's recent updates, which sparked interest among those in the SEO community. The search engine company launched its spam-fighting algorithms and two successive core algorithm updates in June and July this year. These updates shortly followed after Google published a piece of content about this new technology in May.

The timing could be a coincidence, but knowing what the new version of Keras-based TF Ranking is capable of, it's important to get familiar with the technology to understand why Google would increase the pace of creating and launching new ranking-related algorithm updates.

Improved Keras-Based TF-Ranking

Google announced a better version of TF-Ranking that can improve NLP algorithms like BERT and neural learning to rank algorithms. This means the new technology is a powerful way to not only to create new algorithms but to amplify existing ones at a faster pace.

TensorFlow Ranking

TensorFlow is a machine-learning platform. The original version of the platform changed the way relevant documents were ranked. In the past, relevant documents would be compared to each other through pairwise ranking. This compared the probability of a document's relevance to a query to the probability of another item. It was also a comparison done between pairs of documents and not the whole list.

The innovation of TF-Ranking allowed SEOs to conduct comparisons of the entire list of documents at a time, called multi-item scoring. This method guided them to make better ranking decisions.

Improved TF-Ranking Used For Rapid Development Of New Effective Algorithms

Google published an article about the new TF-Ranking on their AI Blog, saying that this big launch includes a DatasetBuilder to set up training data, a Pipeline to train the model, and a flexible ModelBuilder. All these can make it easier to set up learning to rank (LTR) models and apply them to search faster than ever.

TF-Ranking BERT

BERT is a machine learning approach to NLP to understand web page content and search queries from users. It is one of the most important updates in Bing and Google in the past few years. Google states that using BERT and TF-Ranking together to optimise the ordering of list inputs will have significant improvements. The statement only implies that TF-Ranking has made BERT more powerful.

TF-Ranking And GAMs

Aside from BERT, TF-Ranking also amplifies another kind of algorithm called Generalized Additive Models (GAMs).

GAMs allow for interpretability and transparency in deploying LTR models in ranking systems. The two factors are involved in determining the outcome of processes. Therefore, GAMs ensure accountability, transparency, and fairness of the outcomes.

The only problem with GAMs is that no one knows how to use this technology to solve ranking-type issues. To solve this issue, Google used TF-Ranking to create neural ranking GAMs that are more open to how web pages are ranked. Google calls this Interpretable Learning-To-Rank.

Unlike standard GAMs, the improved neural ranking GAM considers the context features and the ranking items to get an interpretable, compact model. For instance, the new GAM can provide insight into how price, distance, and relevance contribute to a business's final ranking, depending on the user's device.

SEO specialists expressed their opinions on the neural ranking GAMs after thorough research, concluding that GAM is an important technology and that its improvement was a huge event. They said that Google's new technology could significantly help intent analysis and personalisation, such as context info and user data.

Better Than Gradient Boosted Decision Trees (GBDTs)

Outperforming the standard algorithm is important because it only indicates that the newer approach improves the quality of search results. In this case, the standard algorithm is gradient boosted decision trees (GBDTs), a machine learning technique with many benefits.

However, Google also explains its disadvantages. They said that they could not directly apply GBDTs to large discrete feature spaces like raw document text. Moreover, they are generally less scalable compared to neural ranking models.

A research paper states that neural learning used to rank models are inferior to tree-based implementations. Google's researchers utilised the improved Keras-based TF-Ranking to create the Data Augmented Self-Attentive Latent Cross (DASALC) model, which can surpass the current state-of-the-art baselines.


The takeaway from Google's article is that this new system can rapidly progress the research and development of new ranking systems, including anti-spam algorithms that rank spammy content out of the search results. The article also said that they believe the TF-Ranking makes it easier to create production-grade ranking systems and conduct neural LTR research.

Google has been innovating faster the past several months, launching spam algorithm updates and two core algorithm updates within two months. It is thanks to these new technologies that it became possible to improve ranking websites and spam-fighting algorithms.

Work With The UK's Top SEO Agency!

Position1SEO is the UK's top SEO specialist company, and we can guarantee you a spot on the first page of Google and increased site traffic - all for an affordable price!

By working with us, you can choose any key phrase you want at any competition level. You may also select as many or as few keywords as you like! Thanks to our effective white hat SEO techniques and our no-stone-unturned approach, you can enjoy great results all while avoiding serious Google penalties.

Position1SEO will skyrocket your rankings by focusing on these four important areas:

  • The number of site visitors
  • The time those visitors spend on your website
  • The number of pages they visited in a session
  • The bounce rate of the visitors

Our process works in a few simple stages. Firstly, we will conduct a free in-depth SEO audit on your site. Once we have completed the SEO audit, we will discuss your specific requirements in more detail over the phone.

Next, we will highlight the issues found in your Stage 1 reports and make the best platform for your ongoing SEO success. You can choose the tasks you want us to do for you, and we will provide you with a detailed investment based on your choice.

Lastly, we will focus on your ongoing User Engagement work and aim to boost your rankings and site traffic.

If you want to know more about our services, you can call us on 0141 846 0114 or email us at office@position1seo.co.uk.

New Technology - SEO Specialist Company | Position1SEO
Author: Jason Ferry
Jason Ferry is an SEO specialist based in the United Kingdom. Taking pride in his many years of experience in the search engine optimisation industry, he has honed his skills in various digital marketing processes. From keyword marketing, website auditing, and link building campaigns, to social media monitoring, he is well-versed in all of them. Jason Ferry’s excellent skills in SEO, combined with his vast experience, makes him one of the best professionals to work with in the industry today. Not only does he guarantee outstanding output for everyone he works with, but also values a deep relationship with them as well.

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