
Microsoft Bing Launches Five SERP Updates

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SEO specialists use various methods and strategies to provide their webpage visitors with relevant content and a high-quality user experience. But with the newest updates from Microsoft Bing, users are given a much richer browsing experience as soon as they enter their search queries. These new updates are set to roll out very soon, and SEO specialist companies everywhere would be wise to take advantage of these changes to further promote their brands.

Just recently, Microsoft Bing announced that they are to set launch five updates to improve the search engine results pages (SERPs) and provide a better experience for its users. These five updates all have something in common – they combine text-based information with visually rich imagery, all in one view. This allows searchers to better engage with the content and have a more intuitive experience.

The new format delivers detailed information quickly to help searchers find specific information without skimming through large blocks of text. Their new update focused on five search features, which include: intuitive highlighting of content, expandable carousels, infographic-like SERPs, integrated visual search, and richer results for local queries.

Intuitive Highlighting

Bing’s intuitive highlighting update provides users with a better experience whenever they engage with content. For instance, in a long list of results for recipes, Bing features the content in a unique, easy-to-read, card-based format.

When a reader clicks on one of the results, Bing takes some detailed information from the recipe and presents it to the users without opening a new tab or page. This means that a user can see the whole recipe while still staying on the SERP.

Some of the recipe information will appear in the expanded view. This may include user reviews, nutritional information, ingredient lists, a specific number of servings, and calories per serving. However, for the readers to acquire the complete step-by-step cooking instructions, they will have to click through the link and be redirected to the actual webpage.

Expandable Carousels

As for carousels, Bing’s upgrade allows readers to read additional information when hovering over the results. For instance, if they are looking at a carousel of movies, hovering over a result will show them a synopsis, when it was released, and review scores from several sources.

Infographic-like SERPs

This update combines text and imagery to provide readers with “style and substance”. Usually, a user will search for broad topics, and results for such queries often show a dense summary of blue links and text results, which are difficult to navigate.

This update makes it so the top text and image results are aggregated into a well-designed, infographic-style layout. Moreover, users who want to learn more can easily click off to websites that contain more detail on the subject or check out other similar topics.

Integrated Visual Search

When browsing through the SERP, users will sometimes find products or items that they like, but cannot find the right words to describe them. Bing’s integrated visual search is a game-changer in this regard, as it allows users to instantly do a visual search to find other items that look similar. In just a single click, users will be provided with a list of similar-looking items so they can choose the best one to buy.

Local Search Upgrades

When it comes to local searches, Bing will apply the same design principles tackled earlier in this article. For instance, if a searcher makes a local search query, Bing’s SERP will collate information from multiple sources, combining top images, visitor reviews, Bing Maps, and more.

With Bing’s new update, searchers can get more information about an attraction or a location via a comprehensive overview instead of bland text summaries and a single carousel of images. Although Bing’s SERP makes it easier for the readers to get what they want fast, it is still up to SEO specialist companies to provide them with relevant content, engaging imagery, and a better user experience.

Find The Best SEO Agency Today

If you want to provide your website visitors with the best user experience, it is crucial to work with the best SEO agency like Position1SEO. We have a team of SEO specialists who are well-versed in the best white hat techniques in the industry.

First, our experts will conduct free, in-depth SEO analysis on your website. We will then ask you to confirm your chosen keywords and keyphrases, which we will utilise for linkbuilding, content creation, and other essential SEO tasks.

If you are interested in working with us, give us a ring on 0141 846 0114. You may also email us via office@position1seo.co.uk.

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Author: Jason Ferry
Jason Ferry is an SEO specialist based in the United Kingdom. Taking pride in his many years of experience in the search engine optimisation industry, he has honed his skills in various digital marketing processes. From keyword marketing, website auditing, and link building campaigns, to social media monitoring, he is well-versed in all of them. Jason Ferry’s excellent skills in SEO, combined with his vast experience, makes him one of the best professionals to work with in the industry today. Not only does he guarantee outstanding output for everyone he works with, but also values a deep relationship with them as well.

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