
Observations On The Newly Released Google Core Update

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The newly-released Core Update this December was a huge one for the Google SEO community. The top experts in the industry always analyse these updates to distinguish the differences and similarities to older ones and to determine how to further improve their clients' Google SEO ranking.

Google makes various changes to its search algorithms every day. Several times a year, the search engine company releases more significant updates to their search algorithms and systems, which are more noticeable than the tiny changes they make daily. According to Google, core updates are done to provide searchers with authoritative and relevant content.

If a site's traffic declines following a core update, then chances are, Google's system found more helpful and relevant websites on the Internet. Such changes can be frustrating for many webmasters and SEOs out there, especially if they do not know the exact reason why their rankings dropped.

In Google's documentation on How Search Works, they describe the three significant steps that they take to provide searchers with relevant results.

First, Google organises the content in an index as they crawl the web. This means that the search engine considers each key signal on every page, such as the keywords, the relevance of the published date, and more.

Secondly, Google will determine the intent of the searcher's question to understand the best pages to show on the search engine results pages. Their algorithms will know whether a person is searching for newly-published content or not. Due to significant updates over time, Google is now much better at knowing whether the searcher looking for a specific answer or more detailed information.

Lastly, they determine the best and most helpful pages for the query of the searcher. Google's goal is to cherry-pick the most relevant pages that can truly satisfy the needs of the search engine users.

After the December update, SEOs continued to investigate the new algorithms to help businesses increase their Google SEO ranking. Here are some of the things that are worth mentioning:

  1. Google may now be assessing alternative medical topics differently as several medical businesses online were able to improve their rankings after the latest update. In the past, alternative medicine was one of the topics that Google disregarded, even though many searchers were looking for such content. Now, they have improved their algorithm, starting by improving the system’s understanding of which pages are the most trustworthy.
  2. Google may now be paying more attention to the structure of the overall content, as well as the headings used. Searchers usually skim headings to know which article best answers their question. Most websites that improved their rankings were those that used excellent headings in their webpage content. The best thing for online businesses to do is to ask themselves: does the title of the article effectively describe the content and provide the user with a helpful summary?
  3. Google may be getting better at finding content that’s relevant to queries. Danny Sullivan confirmed that the latest core update is not related to BERT directly. However, most SEOs saw one pattern after the update: Google search engine did well in providing searchers with webpages that satisfied their needs.

The Google SEO community and other professional SEO agencies always pay close attention to the changes in every single core update to provide better advice to their clients.

Here at Position1SEO, we make sure that we are up-to-date with every Google algorithm update, no matter how big or small. We have a team of experts who write relevant content that's supported by references from high-quality, trustworthy, and authoritative sources.

Our experts also make sure to do thorough keyword research, looking at those that declined in rankings as well as comparing it to your competitor's pages. By doing so, we can do a better job at adjusting your SEO campaigns based on the latest trends, as well as your customers' needs.

Give us a ring via 0141 846 0114 or email us at office@position1seo.co.uk to work with our team of professional SEOs today!

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Author: Jason Ferry
Jason Ferry is an SEO specialist based in the United Kingdom. Taking pride in his many years of experience in the search engine optimisation industry, he has honed his skills in various digital marketing processes. From keyword marketing, website auditing, and link building campaigns, to social media monitoring, he is well-versed in all of them. Jason Ferry’s excellent skills in SEO, combined with his vast experience, makes him one of the best professionals to work with in the industry today. Not only does he guarantee outstanding output for everyone he works with, but also values a deep relationship with them as well.

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