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What Are The Benefits Of SEO Analytics?

Could SEO analytics be a game changer for your business? One thing’s for certain, there are few other growth strategies that deliver effective, compounded, and consistent growth for your business the way search engine optimisation does. But as with all good things in life, SEO can take a fair amount of time before you start to see the results.

So how do you find out whether you’re heading in the right direction? That’s where SEO analytics comes in. SEO analytics give you the tools you need to better understand that your search engine optimisation strategies are not just a shot in the dark. With the help of extremely simple analytics data, you can refine your strategy to do more of what works and less of what doesn’t.

Still feeling a little overwhelmed? Leave it to the experts. Get in touch with us at Position1SEO today and we’ll use our SEO analytics-based approach to take your business to the skies, like we’ve done for many others in the past! Ask for samples of our case studies by clicking here.

SEO analytics are something that anyone who owns a website should consider employing. That’s especially true if your website is there to sell goods or services to the public; or if you have a keen interest in disseminating your information to a wider audience. Simply put, analytics in SEO is a methodology for collecting data about how your website is currently being used, to inform changes that will increase both numbers of visitors and the ways in which they engage with your webpages.

But you’re probably thinking you already spend a lot of time on your website – have you really got the capacity to expend even more of your valuable resources on analysing what’s already been done? Here, we’ll look at just a few of the reasons why it might be beneficial to invest in SEO analytics and what to do if you simply don’t have the time, skills, or energy to do so.

First, it’s worth considering that Google’s search engine is used by around 92% of internet browsers when they’re looking online for information, goods, or services. That’s compared to around 3% who use Bing and 1.5% who use Yahoo. That means if you’re short on resources, it’s well worth focusing on improving your SEO on Google’s terms, rather than trying to take into account all the other search engines. And one of the best tools you can use in terms of analysing your SEO is Google Analytics.

Google Analytics is an extremely powerful tool if you use it in the right way. And best of all, it’s completely free of charge to use. You’re not getting short-changed either – its functionality at least meets, and in many cases exceeds, that of many other paid tools out there. So although you still need to find the time to use it effectively, at least you won’t be required to spend money on it. And provided you act on the insights you gather from there, using it can only help increase how your website performs in other search engines too.

But what benefits are there in analysing your web traffic, whether you use GA or not? First of all, SEO analytic data will help you track not only the number of visitors that come to your website but how they are coming across it. You’ll not only see how your current chosen keywords are performing, but also discover other search terms people are using when finding and accessing your website.

Next, you’ll see which of your pages are the most popular on your website, as well as the internal and external links they click on the most. Tracking this will tell you if you need to improve your site’s structure, to ensure visitors are guided to the pages you want them to see the most, whether that’s your online shop, your contact form, or more in-depth information about your products and services.

Google Analytics will also give you information on the numbers of new and returning visitors. It can then help you break them down into geographical segments and tell you how they are coming across your website. Is that through a Google or other search engine search or from another website, for instance?

Using all this SEO Google analytics data and more, you will gain an overall more detailed picture of how users are interacting with your website. This gives you the opportunity to draw up a list of action points to improve the site’s performance. You may wish to improve the content on your high-priority pages, for instance, or include a page to target a particular geographical market. You may wish to enhance your inbound links or fix broken internal ones to reduce your bounce rate. Or your report could demonstrate the need to improve the site’s structure, so your visitors’ stay on it is prolonged and leads to them taking the actions you need to grow your business.

No Time? Call Position1SEO

So you can see that organic search Google analytics could be a valuable process to carry out in order to improve your website’s performance. But to be truly effective, it needs to be done on a regular basis so you can first find the baseline data, then implement changes, then monitor how those changes have affected your visitor numbers and their engagement with your site. And all that takes time.

In a difficult economic climate, many businesses are struggling just to stay afloat and may not have the time or in-house skills to carry out the work needed. And yet this could be the very thing that allows you to build your business for the future and put it on a firmer footing. One answer could be to make an investment in an expert SEO agency like Position1SEO to carry out the work for you. Working with a team like ours, you’ll have access to a wealth of expertise; and gaining the results you want may not even cost as much as you might think.

We’ve been in the SEO business for over a decade now and throughout that time, we’ve been developing and refining our SEO strategies to help businesses like yours make gains from their websites. Our first step when working with any company is to carry out detailed website SEO analytics, to find out what’s working and what’s not. We then draw up a strategy for improvement that’s directly tailored to generating the best results from your available budget.

We have a number of packages varying in size and complexity, based on the numbers of keywords we optimise your pages for. We’ll analyse and supplement your existing keyword list, plug any gaps in content, refine other pages to maximise their benefit to visitors (and to you) and build strong internal links to make your website more navigable. We’ll optimise all metadata, page titles, and content with appropriate keywords and will also analyse existing backlinks and develop new, authoritative ones that will help draw targeted traffic to your website. And we’ll look at local SEO where applicable to make sure you’re standing out from your competitors in your area. What’s more, you’ll receive a monthly Google analytics SEO report so you can monitor your website’s progress.

At Position1SEO, we’re strong believers in the benefits of Conversion Rate Optimisation. We don’t just want people to visit your website, we want them to buy from you. So we’ll make sure your increase in traffic correlates directly to an increase in business – and profits.

In short, there’s a lot we can do for you. If you’re interested in finding out how we could help you develop your website to increase its return on your investment, why not call us and ask to see some of our case studies from work with other businesses? We think you’ll be impressed. Phone Position1SEO today on 0141 846 0114 or take a closer look at the information on our website, https://position1seo.co.uk/. We can help you get where you want to be – at the top of the search engine rankings.


How do you do an SEO analysis?

Your SEO inspection should first ensure your pages can be discovered, crawled, and indexed by Google. Then, evaluate your URLs and meta descriptions, page titles, and headings. Check that incoming links are reputable and internal links are fully functioning. Ascertain whether the content is useful. Check page loading speeds and that images are compressed and optimised. Note your spam score.

What is SEO analytics?

Analytics in SEO terms are measures that enable website owners to monitor their progress in terms of attracting and engaging with web traffic organically. The process entails determining what measures will be used, gathering the relevant data, and then using that to adjust, amend or supplement existing SEO to increase organic traffic volumes.

What is an SEO competitive analysis?

SEO competitive analysis is the process of analysing what your competitors are doing. With the insights gained from SEO analytic data, you can capitalise on areas they are not taking advantage of, and use their tactics to improve your own SEO strategy.

How do I analyse SEO for my website?

  • Check webpages’ current rankings.
  • Ensure URLs and meta descriptions are SEO optimised.
  • Ensure titles and headings contain relevant keywords.
  • Monitor bounce rates.
  • Analyse incoming links and monitor spam score.
  • Identify and remove broken links.
  • Title and compress all images.
  • Create sound internal links.
  • Remove duplicate content.
  • Test page speed.

How do I do an SEO audit report?

For SEO performance monitoring, analyse three key areas: front-end, including your metadata, keywords, and content; back-end issues like your indexing and hosting; and the quality of links internally and from external sources. Check site speed, ensure only one version of your site is visible to search engines, and use your audit report as a baseline to monitor improvements in future.

What is search engine optimization?

Search engines are the main way people discover content on the internet. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the method by which website owners can ensure their webpages rise higher up the rankings so people are more likely to visit them. This results in increased visibility to searchers and therefore a rise in traffic to the website.

How to improve my SEO ranking?

If you want to improve your SEO ranking, use analytics SEO tools to identify where you’re falling short. Then, up the quality of your content and refresh it frequently. This also helps attract quality links from authoritative sites. Ensure your metadata and alt tags are optimised with your chosen keywords, improve page loading speeds by compressing images, etc.

Why is SEO monitoring important?

If you fail to monitor your SEO, you won’t spot scenarios where something is negatively impacting your website. SEO monitoring offers website traffic volume insight data and also helps identify areas where you might be missing a trick. Regular, frequent monitoring additionally gives early warning of potential problems so they can be addressed before they escalate.

How do I know if SEO is working?

One of the key metrics in search engine optimisation auditing is whether there’s an increase in traffic to your website; in other words, the number of hits it receives daily. If you don’t see an improvement in these figures once you’ve implemented SEO, it’s a strong indication that your efforts are not working. Consult an expert SEO agency for advice.

What are the benefits of SEO?

While you may pay an agency to implement SEO, it creates an ongoing stream of quality organic traffic – no need to pay for ads like with PPC. SEO has also been proven to generate more clicks than PPC. SEO is easier to monitor and make improvements to, as well as offering the opportunity to get ahead of your competitors.

SEO Analytics: A Step-By-Step Process With Tools, Examples, And Resources

Here are some steps to follow for SEO analytics:

  • Use Google Analytics and Google Search Console to gain an accurate picture of what happens when visitors click on your webpages.
  • Use SEO keyword analytics tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs to research your keywords’ effectiveness.
  • Use Google My Business data to measure and track local SEO.

When you know what’s going on and why it’s happening, draw up recommendations for improvements. Calculate the expected outcome of each action and then prioritise all actions in order of importance.

Benefits Of Google Analytics For Your Business

Use organic search Google Analytics in the following ways:

  1. Identify which pages have high bounce rates, so you can concentrate on enhancing those.
  2. See where you currently rank in the SERPs.
  3. To set goals for future improvement.
  4. To learn more about your visitors.
  5. To determine which keywords are delivering and which aren’t.
  6. For insights into your competition’s strategies.
  7. To determine what social media platform will work best for you.
  8. To calculate where to target your SEO resources in the future.

Ways To Use Data Analytics To Improve SEO Ranking

Once you’ve gathered data through website metrics tracking on how visitors use your website, that informs improvements to increase engagement, such as:

  • Revisiting your website’s structure to ensure it’s easy to navigate, keeping visitors on-site for longer.
  • Discover what visitors search for when they come to your site and tailor content to answer those questions.
  • Speed up page loading times to retain more traffic for longer.
  • Maximise high-traffic webpages to improve conversion rates.
  • Determine visitors’ locations and target content towards them for better local SEO rankings.

Reasons Why Web Analytics Are Important To Marketers And Businesses

There’s little point in pouring time and money into your website unless you continually analyse its performance to ensure it’s delivering a good return on investment.

SEO analytics reporting allows maximisation of the effectiveness of your webpages. There are three stages: measuring, adapting, and developing.

  • Measurement isn’t just about numbers of visitors – it’s how they currently engage with your website to fulfil your marketing goals.
  • Adapting means taking account of what’s currently happening and tweaking content, metadata, navigation, etc., to encourage visitors to better achieve your goals.
  • Development means informing your digital strategy for the future to capitalise on what’s working well.

General Benefits of Google Analytics To Your Website

Firstly, Google Analytics is a powerful dashboard, giving you insights into your website completely free of charge. Google is the most popular search engine worldwide today, so it makes sense to optimise your site in line with its requirements.

Second, Google Analytics tells you how visitors find your website, giving you hard data on which keywords are working for you.

Third, recognise which webpages and links are most popular with visitors so you can capitalise on those, but also improve other important pages that aren’t performing so well.

Fourth, you can segment visitors: where they come from geographically and through which sources. Fifthly, all this helps you target future SEO efforts more precisely, saving time and generating better results in the future.

If you would like your website to benefit from detailed and accurate SEO analytics, but have neither the time nor the resources to carry out the work yourself, why not contact the team at Position1SEO?

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