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Google Tells SEOs To Focus On E-A-T When Dealing With YMYL Sites

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Search Advocate John Mueller discussed tips on how businesses and webmasters can improve their Google SEO. According to him, one of the best Google SEO tactics is to work on expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-A-T) when they rank content related to health and finance.

Mueller discussed the topic in a Google Search Central SEO hangout episode. One medical ecommerce SEO, Ritu Nagarkoti, asked Mueller about tips on how he can increase his site’s visibility and traffic.

According to Mueller, it can be difficult to boost a website’s site traffic and search visibility. In general, being consistent in following the best practices and strategies is important for making any good website. Therefore, SEOs should always keep the E-A-T in mind.

When it comes to websites dealing with medical ecommerce, Mueller says that it will likely fall under the YMYL (your money your life) site category. As these websites can significantly affect a person’s health, safety, and finances, they must be held to a higher standard than other sites.

It is always a great idea to follow the best SEO practices. However, when ranking YMYL websites, the most important thing to do is to fill it with quality content that comes from experts in the field. These types of websites need to be credible to attract more readers, so it’s highly recommended to work closely with professionals when creating content.

Mueller said that there is no magic trick that can automatically make a medical ecommerce website look trustworthy and official. Webmasters and SEOs will really have to seek out the help of experts if they want to make their website feel legitimate.

The person who asked the question was asking for more specific advice to boost their site’s SEO, and Mueller said that their algorithms are very picky when it comes to YMYL websites, which is a good thing. The best advice that Mueller could give is to encourage businesses and site owners to look at Google’s quality rater guidelines. By doing so, they can have an idea of how Google’s human quality raters perceive their website and adjust things according to the standards that need to be met.

Mueller clarified that quality raters are not part of Google’s algorithms. Moreover, he said that medical ecommerce website owners shouldn’t focus too much on SEO strategies. Instead, they should care more about whether they are perceived as a trustworthy source or a legitimate business by the search engines.

Another SEO named Marc Opitz told Mueller that he is facing difficulty in creating medical content, as he is not a doctor. He added that YMYL websites have decreased in traffic these days and asked Mueller if he could give any advice. However, Mueller only emphasised reviewing their quality rater guidelines again.

He said that quality raters are not necessarily one-to-one mapping to Google algorithms; however, they give Google SEO agencies and website owners valuable input. By placing themselves in the quality raters’ shoes and trying to be objective when looking at their sites, SEOs and webmasters can discover the best solutions to their problems.

Nevertheless, Mueller provided a few suggestions on how to improve a website’s E-A-T. He said that if the content is being written by an expert on the topic, then the publisher should highlight the author more. Another tip is that they can have the content read and reviewed by an expert and highlight this fact as well somewhere on the webpage.

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Working with Position1SEO will help you achieve the best Google SEO ranking for your website. We are experts in improving four key areas in your website: the number of visitors, the time your visitors spend on your website, the number of pages that they visited within that session, and the bounce rate of your visitors.

By working on these four areas, our team can guarantee a significant increase in your website’s rankings. At an affordable price, you can quickly rank on Google’s first page thanks to our excellent SEO packages.

If you are interested in our offers, email us at office@position1seo.co.uk or dial 0141 404 7515. Hire the best UK SEO agency today!

YMYL Websites - Best Google SEO | Position1SEO
Author: Jason Ferry
Jason Ferry is an SEO specialist based in the United Kingdom. Taking pride in his many years of experience in the search engine optimisation industry, he has honed his skills in various digital marketing processes. From keyword marketing, website auditing, and link building campaigns, to social media monitoring, he is well-versed in all of them. Jason Ferry’s excellent skills in SEO, combined with his vast experience, makes him one of the best professionals to work with in the industry today. Not only does he guarantee outstanding output for everyone he works with, but also values a deep relationship with them as well.

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