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Google Speed Update

The Google Speed Update was officially launched in July 2018, and SEO experts, developers, site owners and webmasters would be glad to know that Google confirmed that the web became significantly faster thanks to this. According to the search engine giant, the performance metrics of the slowest one-third of traffic had improved by 15-20% last […]
As many SEO experts and webmasters know, the Google Speed Update was released last July 9. But according to reports, it hadn’t shown any effects on downgrading mobile page rankings in the general Google mobile search results yet. A recent study revealed that there were no changes in rankings a week after the Speed Update […]
Increasing the speed of your web pages is something that you must consider especially now that the Google speed update has been rolled out to all users. In fact, whether you’re following an SEO strategy or not, working on the page speed is important seeing that a 3-second load time can increase the bounce rate […]
Since the new Google speed update is expected to roll out sometime in July, John Mueller from Google recently talked about this topic, making both webmasters and SEO experts aware of its impact on their sites’ rankings. According to Mueller, the upcoming update differs from the one that happened last April 2010. This is because […]