
How To Benefit From Broken Backlinks?

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SEO experts typically make use of the standard link building techniques in their strategies, such as using HARO or creating optimal email subject lines. Although they can be very effective, these methods tend to have an unpredictable return on investment. Thus, it is always crucial for professional SEO experts to look for more efficient link building strategies to stay on top of the game.

There do exist some highly effective link building strategies that allow SEOs to have better control over their return on investment, and these involve broken backlinks.

Broken backlinks show up when there is an external URL from a website redirects a user to a non-existent webpage on another domain. This usually happens when a page link changes or if the link that the site added was incorrect.

The term “link rot” refers to the tendency of pages and URLs to become non-existent for a long period. A lot of websites suffer from this phenomenon, especially e-commerce sites with many backlinks. Of course, other industries can also suffer from link rot, and the number of websites that do keep on increasing.

Such links are prevalent in any online industry, but the SEO community rarely talks about it. This could be due to a misunderstanding of the “freshness” factor and the tendency of SEOs to focus more on gaining links from new content without considering the “older” backlinks.

What most businesses don’t know is that they can still benefit from old backlinks. Professional SEO experts and marketers can find great value from broken links that both redirect to their website and their competitors’.

There is a crucial difference between broken link reclamation and broken link building. The former’s goal is to reclaim the value of broken links redirecting to their website. The latter, on the other hand, refers to the process of recreating content to replace broken backlinks from competitors.

Although the methods are a bit different, both give SEOs more control than the usual link building tactics. They can also make a significant difference if done properly.

Broken Backlink Reclamation

SEO experts can analyse their website’s backlinks by determining the number of broken backlinks that are pointing to their website. One of the best tools for this task is Ahrefs.

Next, these broken backlinks should be organised, from the highest-valued links to the lowest. Then, SEOs can choose which URLs are worth pursuing. It’s best to choose links that come from high-quality and authoritative sites.

Once a list of links has been prepared, SEOs can then regain the broken link’s value, either by reaching out to the owner of the broken link and providing a suitable replacement or setting up a permanent 301 redirect to a live page on their website.

Broken Link Building

As for this tactic, SEOs can choose a certain competitor and analyse their backlinks in Ahrefs. There, they look for broken backlinks and categorise them by relevance.

Afterwards, they review their website to see if they have content that’s similar to the link’s topic – this will be the broken link that one must replace on the third-party website. Then they can either create or find a piece of relevant content as a replacement.

Once the replacement page is ready, SEOs can message the third-party site owner with the broken link and tell them about the issue. Then they can offer their content as a replacement, showing how it fits their link’s topic.

Want A Good Link Building Strategy For Your Website? Work With Us Today!

If you want the best link building strategies to help promote your business website, Position1SEO is the right SEO agency for you! Our excellent white hat methods have proven effectiveness and are entirely risk-free, giving you peace of mind that you won’t get any nasty penalties from Google.

We are a highly skilled team of SEO experts who have years of experience in the industry. Furthermore, we constantly improve and adapt our strategies to the ever-changing Google algorithms, so you can be sure to receive up-to-date SEO advice!

To learn more about our services, visit our homepage or book a free phone consultation with us! Get in touch by dialling 0141 846 0114 or sending an email to office@position1seo.co.uk.

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Author: Jason Ferry
Jason Ferry is an SEO specialist based in the United Kingdom. Taking pride in his many years of experience in the search engine optimisation industry, he has honed his skills in various digital marketing processes. From keyword marketing, website auditing, and link building campaigns, to social media monitoring, he is well-versed in all of them. Jason Ferry’s excellent skills in SEO, combined with his vast experience, makes him one of the best professionals to work with in the industry today. Not only does he guarantee outstanding output for everyone he works with, but also values a deep relationship with them as well.

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