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What Does Search Engine Optimisation Do?

As a term that gets used so often by internet marketers and agencies alike, it’s worth asking what SEO, or search engine optimisation, is exactly.

In simple terms, SEO is about optimising your website and its individual web pages to rank appropriately in search engines’ results. Appearing in the number one spot on Google when someone enters a query related to your business can have an unparalleled impact, including steady volumes of traffic leading to potential customers and skyrocketing revenues. In fact, SEO is considered to be one of the most important marketing strategies, and one that can drive a sustained flow of engaged customers to your door over a prolonged period of time. In this respect, it surpasses practically any other paid marketing method.

At Position1SEO, we take great pride in offering best-in-class yet affordable SEO services to businesses of all shapes and sizes. If you’re looking to take your business to the next level, get in touch with us today and ask for samples of our past case studies to learn more!

Nowadays, nearly every business understands the importance of having a strong online presence, as more and more people are using the Internet to find what they need. Business owners often seek to improve the visibility of their web pages by having them optimised by an expert SEO agency. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the art of ensuring web pages rank higher in the search engine results than they otherwise would do.

Given that increasing numbers of people rely on the internet for information and to purchase products and services, it’s extremely important for businesses to ensure that their pages are seen by prospective customers. SEO is all about increasing volumes of traffic to a particular website. Here, we explain more about SEO and how you can find the best agency to optimise your website for your business.

Search Engine Optimisation – Finding Organic SEO

Search engine optimisation SEO should be one of the main considerations when building an online presence. There’s no point spending large sums of money on an appealing, informative website if few members of your target audience see it. Most of those people will use a search engine, with Google being the most popular of these, when hunting for goods or services. SEO seeks to ensure that, when your prospective customers are looking for the products you sell or the services you offer, your business website is among the first they see in their search results.

Unfortunately, SEO has had a bad name in recent years in some quarters, and while businesses are happy to put more resources into online selling, they can be nervous about using SEO. In the past, unscrupulous practices included paying for hidden text and link farming. These were designed to push particular websites to the top of the listings, regardless of the quality of the company, the website or its offerings.

Known as black hat techniques, they were discouraged by search engines who recognised that results like these were no good to their own ‘customers’. As a result, search engines are constantly evolving their search algorithms to weed out sites that use these so-called black hat techniques and reward websites that give users informative and useful information instead. Good SEO helps you tick the boxes that search engines like Google are looking for.

So how do you choose the right search engine optimisation company? Making sure that they use white hat processes to produce organic SEO is vital. Not only do black hat techniques produce poor results, but they can also lead to Google penalties, meaning that you’ll lose any gains you’ve managed to make.

Another important aspect is Conversion Rate Optimisation. This focuses on converting site visitors into paying customers. While we know that there are plenty of customers searching online, the truth is that a lot of your competitors will be online too. People may click on your website, but if they don’t like what they see, they can simply click on to the next.

Consequently, as well as search engine optimisation, you need to look for a company that implements search engine marketing too. Finally, price is a consideration. While you don’t need to spend a small fortune, there’s every chance that if it seems too cheap to be true, it almost definitely is.

Finding A Search Engine Optimisations Company

If you’re looking for a search engine optimisation agency, you’ll find that Position1SEO ticks all the boxes. We are Search Engine Optimisation consultants who deal in white hat SEO only. In addition, we specialise in search engine marketing, a particularly complex area. We have vast experience in internet marketing and, during our ten years in the industry, have honed and refined our tried and tested strategies. We tackle SEO in two ways: we look both at your website and your overall presence on the web.

We start our professional relationship with an analysis of your website and an in-depth keyword analysis so that we can anticipate the importance of various keyphrases. We will also outline the strategy we will be following for your business, and give you a projection of your anticipated progress after 30, 90 and 180 days so that you know exactly what we’re aiming for.

Here at Position1SEO, our Search Engine Optimisation services focus on both optimising your website and building your web authority. We optimise your website by providing content that is targeted around the chosen keyphrases and analysing areas such as website structure, the landing page and the visitor demographic. We build your web authority – something Google takes very seriously – by building and maintaining social media profiles for you, entering into relevant conversations on your behalf, and submitting content to guest websites.

We can also provide manually built quality backlinks, either within our package or separately, depending on your preference. There is a scale of quality for backlinks ranging from PR0 to PR7, and the greater the quality, the more emphasis Google puts upon them. You can choose what’s most appropriate for your business and your budget.

As you can see, our service encompasses many aspects of internet marketing. If you have a look through our website, you will be able to see all the services we supply in great detail. With the exception of the backlinks, everything is included in the keyphrase packages. All you need to choose is how many keyphrases you want us to optimise your website for. Why not have a browse today at https://position1seo.co.uk/ and see which package is perfect for your needs? If you are at all unsure, we recommend you check out our testimonials to see what we have been able to do for other businesses and what we’ll be able to do for you. For search engine optimisation, there is no better choice.

Hire Position1SEO Now!

Trusted by many, Position1SEO is the go-to company for businesses looking to jumpstart and improve their online marketing strategies. There is never too large or too small a project for us. We offer a wide range of services that will increase your traffic, profits, conversions, and more.

Most importantly, you can get full transparency on our work as we send detailed progress reports on a regular basis. If you have any enquiries about search engine optimisation consulting and how we do it, you can visit https://position1seo.co.uk/contact/ and fill in our contact form. You can also call us via 0141 846 0114 or send an email to office@position1seo.co.uk.


What is SEO and how does it work?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation, and it concentrates on raising a website’s presence in search results on search engines such as Google. When you know how this digital marketing strategy works, you can maximise its benefits by using different techniques to boost the visibility of your website and rank higher on search engines.

How do you do SEO for a website?

Here’s how you can employ SEO for a website:

  • Select the right URL.
  • Create titles and descriptions for each page.
  • Use anchor text.
  • Add alt text to all your images.
  • Give your site structure the right headers.

If you have neither the time nor the technical knowledge to do these tasks, hire a dedicated SEO agency to help you.

What are the benefits of search engine optimisation?

Below are some of the advantages that accrue from SEO:

  • Quality traffic and conversions from visitors to paying customers.
  • Cheaper than paying for advertisements.
  • Acquires more clicks than PPC.
  • Helps build your brand and PR.
  • Gets you ahead of your competitors.
  • Offers measurable results.

Why is search engine optimisation important?

SEO can help you build stronger relationships with your target markets; increases your authority; improves the customer experience; gives you the edge over your competition; drives more potential customers to your website; and increases conversions. These all mean more profits, more loyal customers, and continuous growth for your business.

What should I know before using SEO?

Here’s what you should take into account before hiring a Search Engine Optimisation company for your website marketing:

  • Check your website for what it’s lacking.
  • Make a list of your goals.
  • Consider appropriate keywords.
  • Ask for quality content.
  • Know your customers.
  • Set your budget.

What is an SEO consultant?

Search Engine Optimisation consultants in London and beyond are experts who handle the planning, implementation and management of a client’s overall SEO strategy. They generally have a wide range of duties, including content strategy planning, web marketing, web analytics, keyword strategy, and link building.

What are SEO tools?

SEO tools are used by consultants to gather data on what’s working or not on your website and throughout your web presence generally. This information is used to refine SEO strategies or implement new ones to improve your pages’ ranking in the search engine results.  They may check your keyword use, backlinks, and what your competitors are doing, for example.

How do I find my SEO expert?

Here are some tips for choosing which Search Engine Optimisation specialists to hire:

  • Connect with your professional network and ask for recommendations.
  • Search for some top-rated SEO consultants online.
  • Look for reviews of the top SEO consultants on third-party sites.
  • Visit local MeetUps and networking events to meet SEO consultants in your area.
  • Check SEO blogs to find consultants you can relate to.

How do I know SEO is working?

If you see a website ranking improvement for one or more of your web pages, then your SEO is working. Traffic refers to the number of hits your website gains per day, with increases directly pointing to the keyword ranking. If you see no increase, then there may be a problem with your SEO.

How long does Search Engine Optimisation take?

Experience shows that it takes around four to six months on average before any significant search engine improvement takes place. If the website has been in existence for a long time and has already garnered some traction in terms of its domain strength, then improvements based on keyword ranking may show in as little as four weeks.

Here’s How You Can Choose The Right Search Engine Optimisation Agency

If you are planning to hire a Search Engine Optimisation agency in the near future, here are some factors to consider:

  • Budget. Before you look for an SEO agency, establish the budget you have available for the work. Ask for details of the agency’s various packages and then choose one that meets your budget and needs.
  • Empty promises. Don’t fall for empty promises of superb results in short timeframes. Bear in mind that even the best expert can’t predict a website’s future performance precisely.
  • Complexity of services. Seek out agencies that don’t just provide SEO services in isolation. Look for value-added services that can further help in increasing website visibility, like copywriting and search engine marketing

SEO: What Makes It Beneficial For Your Business

Not sure whether SEO is worth investing in? Here are some benefits of having a Search Engine Optimisation London strategy:

  • Boost traffic. SEO improves your rank on the search results pages. This draws more traffic to your website.
  • Lead to customers. SEO optimised content includes the keywords people use when searching for your products/ services. Prospective customers will therefore find you more easily.
  • Builds trust and credibility. SEO will boost website ranking on search engines like Google, which helps build trust and credibility, thereby increasing your visibility and sales.

Here’s What SEO Is All About

When it comes to online marketing, Search Engine Optimisation SEO is the best way to improve your online presence. Aside from optimising websites, SEO is also responsible for the social media presence and content of the website.

Once SEO is working, it can make the customer experience easier and better for everyone. This increases your website traffic, which can boost your revenue. SEO doesn’t just find site visitors, but the kinds of people that your business is specifically targeting in terms of customers.

Most importantly, you won’t need to spend as much on advertising because ranking on top of the search results pages can create a great deal of exposure for you, especially when compared to other forms of marketing.

A Guide To Finding The Best SEO Consultant In London

Once you have decided to hire an SEO expert, it’s extremely important to take your time finding the most suitable one for your business niche. Plenty of people profess to be SEO specialists, so you need to carefully evaluate prospective consultants vying for your business. Consider your goals and budget, then compare these against particular agencies’ data tracking capabilities, case studies, and reviews from businesses of the same type or size as your own. All of these will tell you how suitable the consultant is for your needs.

For more information on how we could enhance website ranking for your business’s website, talk to one of our technical staff today.

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