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SEO Keywords

Online businesses and site owners use many tools to conduct SEO keyword research. But aside from these helpful tools, one can also use social media to look for new SEO keywords to target. Social media might not be the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to keyword research, but it could be […]
Online businesses and site owners usually choose the highest SEO keyword search volumes to use in their content. However, Google’s John Mueller advised new websites to use a unique approach to rank for head term SEO keywords. Head Term Keyword Phrases Head terms – or head keywords – are key phrases with a high search […]
SEO keywords are crucial in content writing, but many SEO and website owners still don't have a good grasp on the correct way of using them. Google's John Mueller recently discussed how one should insert Google SEO keywords in extremely long pieces of content - particularly articles with word counts of around 20,000. An SEO […]
In the SEO industry, businesses and webmasters incorporate SEO keywords into their content for better visibility on the search engine results pages. The use of Google SEO keywords, which range from a single words to longer, more complex phrases, is essential to boosting a website’s organic search traffic. Searchers use these keywords whenever they type […]
For SEOs and website owners who want to efficiently use SEO keywords to stay ahead of their competitors, the Google Ads Keyword Forecast is among the best resources available today. This is an excellent SEO keyword research tool that allows for a holistic combination of paid media and SEO. This tool is hugely popular among […]