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  • 14 January, 2022
  • Jason Ferry
Site owners and online businesses make good use of the no-index meta tag to hide web pages in SEO. Doing so prevents Google and other search engines from including these SEO pages in their index. Google’s John Mueller was recently asked whether or not no-indexing author archive pages would affect a site’s E-A-T scores. In […]
  • 10 January, 2022
  • Jason Ferry
Meta descriptions are an important part of SEO optimisation. Although they don’t boost SEO rankings directly, they help businesses achieve other goals. For instance, they boost click-through rates (CTR) by compelling people to click on their links instead of dull meta descriptions from competitors. Even though meta descriptions are indirect signals, site owners and businesses […]
  • 6 January, 2022
  • Jason Ferry
Online businesses and site owners have noticed how there have been a lot of SEO news and updates from Google in 2021, which is notably a lot more than in previous years. Many businesses and brands find SEO updates stressful and frustrating because these may harm their site’s visibility, allowing rivals to overtake them in […]
  • 15 December, 2021
  • Jason Ferry
According to the latest SEO news and updates, Google will begin rolling out an algorithm change for product review pages. The Product Review Update for December 2021 will take three weeks to complete, and many are expecting it to have a significant impact on SEO for the holiday season. In April, a similar algorithm upgrade […]
  • 14 December, 2021
  • Jason Ferry
Google recently published an SEO research paper on training a model called Fine-tuned LAnguage Net (FLAN) is used to solve natural language processing (NLP) problems in a manner that can be used for many tasks. Instead of teaching a model how to deal with one problem at a time, this method teaches it how to […]
  • 1 December, 2021
  • Jason Ferry
There have recently been numerous discussions within the SEO community about crawling and indexing in SEO, particularly about a decline in Googlebot’s crawling activity over the previous weeks. This led some SEO experts to speculate on the real cause of this phenomenon. One web crawl analysis service creator tweeted an infographic explaining how Google’s crawl […]
  • 24 November, 2021
  • Jason Ferry
A person recently asked Google’s John Mueller in an Office-hours hangout about why SEO traffic from Google Discover may suddenly cease. Mueller answered this question in detail and discussed how to identify SEO problems unique to Google Discover, such as on-page issues and content policy breaches. Google Discover Google Discover is a source of site […]
  • 22 November, 2021
  • Jason Ferry
Google’s Search Relations team gathered in a Search Off the Record podcast episode to discuss the future of SEO, which could possibly affect SEO strategies. The podcast invited Google’s John Mueller, Martin Splitt, and Gary Illyes to talk about the changes they have noticed in the past decade and predict what will happen next to […]
  • 17 November, 2021
  • Jason Ferry
  Online businesses and site owners use Google Search Console for crawling and indexing in SEO. However, many of them are annoyed by the “discovered but not indexed” notification. Google’s John Mueller recently explained to the SEO community why Google sometimes chooses not to index a URL. Many SEOs discussed the matter on Facebook and […]
  • 9 November, 2021
  • Jason Ferry
SEO Google Ads is one of the best tools that experts use for advertising their products and services. Its new feature, the Performance Max campaigns, has now been opened to all marketers worldwide. Here’s what SEO experts need to get more conversions using this new campaign type. Online businesses and advertisers can use Performance Max […]
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