
How To Compete With Bigger Websites

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SEO professionals are mostly concerned about the status of their websites in the Google SEO rankings, and a widespread method to improve in this area is to learn from site competitors. Nowadays, Google SEO consultants assess the websites of competitors and come up with effective strategies using the insights they gain. Still, one must not fall into the trap of focusing too much on the competitor instead of working on their own site.

Most online businesses wonder how they can compete with big websites containing over a million quality backlinks. This only proves that SEOs today concentrate too much on their competitors instead of focusing more on their own website, and that is why they lose the SEO battle from the beginning.

For smaller websites and start-ups, taking on a well-established company with a website that has more history and more resources can be quite intimidating, but SEO professionals advise that it is best to fight smartly so they do not lose themselves in the situation. Below are some professional tips that allow smaller businesses to catch up to their competitors – and even get ahead of them.

Search for weakness

When it comes to battling against a bigger website, the first thing SEOs should do is to make sure that their website is in order, which means taking care of the basics. Without settling the basics first, any SEO expert can fail, no matter how much they copy their successful competitors.

For instance, they should ensure that the code of their website complies with the best, most up-to-date practices in technical SEO. Moreover, it would improve their Google SEO rankings immensely if their content shows authority, expertise, and trust to the search engine while utilising targeted keyword phrases relevant to their searchers’ queries. By doing so, they can link their site to quality websites.

By learning the basics, people can make sure that they have clean data and that their analytics are correct. Afterwards, they can finally pay more attention to their competitors. However, instead of looking at what makes them successful, one should look at what they aren’t doing right.

Focus on the competitor’s weakness

It is crucial for small SEO sites to search for their competitor’s weakness and think about the areas in which their competitor is failing. For instance, a competitor may not provide adequate information about their products or services. In this case, a smaller website should take advantage of this and make sure that their product or service pages are full of relevant information that their target audience needs.

The same goes for keywords in a topic. If a competitor dominates the main keyword in a topic, smaller businesses usually look for lesser, long-tailed keywords that have a higher chance of succeeding.

Sometimes, smaller businesses are strongly convinced that their competitors cheat, and complain that Google lets them get away with breaking the rules. However, when taking a closer look at successful websites, it is not because they break the rules; rather, it is because they make sure that their SEO is on point.

In reality, most websites that buy spammy links or break the rules are ignored by Google. Such practices actually harm search rankings and site traffic. There could be short-term benefits, but millions of bought links are just ignored.

Therefore, it is highly suggested that small online businesses hire a competent Google SEO consultant to handle website optimisation for them. These professionals take time to do thorough research and conduct website audits to find out what causes any major drops in site traffic or search rankings.

Here at Position1SEO, we come up with effective SEO strategies that are tailor-made to your website’s needs. We will also do research on your competitors, as well as your customers’ behaviour, to know well how we can optimise your business website in the best possible way.

Email office@position1seo.co.uk or dial 0141 846 0114 today to know more about the SEO services we offer!

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Author: Jason Ferry
Jason Ferry is an SEO specialist based in the United Kingdom. Taking pride in his many years of experience in the search engine optimisation industry, he has honed his skills in various digital marketing processes. From keyword marketing, website auditing, and link building campaigns, to social media monitoring, he is well-versed in all of them. Jason Ferry’s excellent skills in SEO, combined with his vast experience, makes him one of the best professionals to work with in the industry today. Not only does he guarantee outstanding output for everyone he works with, but also values a deep relationship with them as well.

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