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what is the best SEO marketing strategy
10 December, 2020
 / by Jason Ferry
Google’s John Mueller discussed the New top-level Domains (nTLDs). There are many types of domains that SEO marketing agencies and webmasters can use for their website, and one could customise their site address to match their products and services. nTLDs are a new type of domain that can provide SEO agencies and website owners with […]
what is the best SEO marketing strategy
9 December, 2020
 / by Jason Ferry
John Mueller confirmed that Google receives all the context it needs about a webpage from the page itself and not from the structured data. This means SEO experts do not need to focus too much on structured data as it rarely provides the search engine with unique information. With that said, SEO expert agencies should update […]
what is the best SEO marketing strategy
8 December, 2020
 / by Jason Ferry
Google published a new company blog where they explain how they organise their search index and how it can make SEO search results more useful. With this new information, webmasters and businesses should upgrade their search engine optimization techniques to get the best results. In the blog post, the search engine giant discussed their primary […]
what is the best SEO marketing strategy
4 December, 2020
 / by Jason Ferry
Businesses and webmasters must always conduct an accurate SEO site analysis before doing anything else on their website. Google's John Mueller discussed the new SEO analysis tool, Search Console's Crawl Stats report, in more detail - specifically the discovery and refresh metrics. A few weeks ago, the company updated Google Search Console's Crawl Stats report, […]
what is the best SEO marketing strategy
2 December, 2020
 / by Jason Ferry
John Mueller from Google talks about the differences when using long anchor texts and short anchor texts to link to SEO content pages. Using anchor texts is one of the most important SEO content strategies that will help websites rank higher in the search engine results page (SERPs). "Anchor texts" are the words that businesses […]
what is the best SEO marketing strategy
1 December, 2020
 / by Jason Ferry
When it comes to search engine optimization, businesses and website owners need to know how Google handles hreflang signals. One of the most important aspects of SEO optimization is dealing with conflicting hreflang signals, which happens when directives show up in sitemaps or on-page HTMLs. A Google Search Central live stream on 27 November discussed […]
what is the best SEO marketing strategy
27 November, 2020
 / by Jason Ferry
A popular SEO strategy today is taking advantage of Google Web Stories, a type of content that helps businesses and website owners attract more traffic and potential customers. Recently, the search engine giant published a guide on how to create better Web Stories and help businesses improve their Google SEO. The Web Stories were designed […]
what is the best SEO marketing strategy
26 November, 2020
 / by Jason Ferry
Google has launched the updated Google Search Console Crawl Stats report for a more accurate website SEO audit and analysis. The improved Crawl Stats report helps businesses gain more detailed insights about their SEO, particularly with how Google crawls their website. The old version of this feature provided businesses and website owners with limited information […]
what is the best SEO marketing strategy
25 November, 2020
 / by Jason Ferry
Most SEOs and webmasters wonder about the pros and cons of using multiple domains to redirect to a single website. Whether it is beneficial or dangerous from a Google or SEO standpoint depends on the situation of their website SEO. For this reason, businesses heavily rely on website SEO analysis to determine the needs of […]
what is the best SEO marketing strategy
24 November, 2020
 / by Jason Ferry
Experts rely on SEO keyword research to know their user’s “search intent” – a term that refers to the ultimate goal of a search engine user. Search intent is the reason why queries are typed into search engines in the first place. If a page content has the best answer to a user’s question, combined […]
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