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what is the best SEO marketing strategy
20 December, 2018
 / by Jason Ferry
Search engine optimisation is a long-term strategy. It can take about six months to a full year before significant results arise. It is also affected by regular algorithmic updates and different technological innovations. Because of these factors, it is a must to have proper prioritisation so you can maintain an effective SEO campaign. Here are […]
what is the best SEO marketing strategy
18 December, 2018
 / by Jason Ferry
The Google Medic Update began to roll out last August, and it has been one of the largest core ranking updates from Google for 2018 that greatly impacted the SEO community. In line with this, Google’s John Mueller explained in a Reddit thread that when considering this update, it is better to look at a […]
what is the best SEO marketing strategy
17 December, 2018
 / by Jason Ferry
While no one can predict the future with complete accuracy, you do not need a crystal ball to determine how current online trends will affect organic search engine optimisation in the next few years. Staying ahead of the curve is important if you are to maintain your rankings and continue to be a reliable and […]
what is the best SEO marketing strategy
14 December, 2018
 / by Jason Ferry
Accessibility is an aspect that has been a part of both SEO and web development. It’s also said that it is actually a good thing for search engine optimisation and sales. However, in the recent release of WordPress 5.0, it brought to mind the issue that accessibility wasn’t addressed as a core requirement but more […]
what is the best SEO marketing strategy
12 December, 2018
 / by Jason Ferry
The way your audience search for information is changing. Visual search is on the rise as devices and search engines become more adept at recognising and finding specific images. It can be tempting, therefore, to think that the written word is becoming obsolete and that good quality copy is something you no longer need from […]
what is the best SEO marketing strategy
11 December, 2018
 / by Jason Ferry
Typically, keyword research is the initial step to take if you’re planning to attract visitors to your site. And behind every search, is an intent, which is a want or need, may it be for a service, product, information or something else. Furthermore, brands and SEO marketing professionals use data to figure out searcher intent […]
what is the best SEO marketing strategy
10 December, 2018
 / by Jason Ferry
Orphan pages are those that don’t have any links to them, so they aren’t usually indexed and don’t appear in search results. Because there are no internal links, these pages gain no authority, and search engines have no semantic or structural context in which to evaluate them. And even if they’re listed in the XML […]
what is the best SEO marketing strategy
6 December, 2018
 / by Jason Ferry
Because of regular Google algorithm updates and constantly evolving user behaviour, search has become an exciting, ever-changing channel. But these changes shouldn’t cause us to overlook the fundamental principles of search engine optimisation. This includes searcher intent, and it has a huge impact on every SEO strategy. There are different types of searcher intent. Some […]
what is the best SEO marketing strategy
5 December, 2018
 / by Jason Ferry
There will be times when your competitors will try to drive down your rankings in search engine results by utilising negative SEO. By doing such techniques, they will try to reduce the authority of your website or get it penalised. Since your competitors do not control your on-page SEO, there are other ways that they […]
what is the best SEO marketing strategy
4 December, 2018
 / by Jason Ferry
Any professional SEO agency nowadays will make frequent mention of mobile-first indexing. They’ll incorporate it into their SEO plan for your business website, or at least highly recommend that you take note of it. But what is it, and how does it affect you? Do things need to change, and if so, how? If you’ve […]
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