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Search Engine Optimisation

With cutthroat competition in digital marketing, SEO plays a crucial role in attracting and retaining customers. A good SEO strategy enables businesses to rank higher on SERPs, thereby increasing the chances of generating leads and finding ideal customers. B2C and B2B are different business models; one targets customers and the other targets businesses. B2C SEO […]
Online businesses and webmasters conduct website SEO optimisation for Google in order to boost their rankings and site traffic. In a Google SEO Office Hours hangout, Google's John Mueller answered a question about why the search engine did not crawl enough web pages - an issue that has confused many search engine optimisation agencies and […]
On Twitter, John Mueller of Google has revealed that negative SEO is not the reason why they designed the disavow tool. According to him, "Not to put more fuel on the fire, but negative SEO is not a reason we have this tool -- and I honestly can't recall a situation where a site ever […]
Local companies know much better than almost any other model exactly what it means to fully be involved in community life. You are the great neighbours that are there to serve, inspire, and sustain individuals and traditions that make your city a fun and unique place to call home. But what search engine optimization ideas […]
Search engine optimisation is frequently associated with marketing processes as a tool to obtain more traffic to a website or webpage. However, it can also be used in web development to improve user expertise, load times, as well as crawling and indexing. “A majority of developers don’t really think about [SEO]. They want to build […]
A Uniform Resource Locator, or URL, acts as a location for any web document. URLs are significant for search engine optimisation because they appear in results pages and are the location of your inbound links, which crawlers use to identify essential portions of your website. For this reason, it is necessary to give each of […]
An important aspect of search engine optimisation is the meta description. It’s a meta tag that describes a webpage and shown under the page’s title in the SERPs. Although Google claims these descriptions don’t improve rankings, there’s evidence that they are beneficial as an indirect signal. A good meta description is crucial for SEO because […]
URL parameters are the part of a URL that comes after a question mark, and they can be used for translating, tracking, searching, and more. Although these are great for user experience, they can be problematic for search engine optimisation. Below are some issues caused by these parameters. 1. They create duplicate contents. With URL […]
For sure, a lot of publishers, SEO experts, and webmasters today have their own questions regarding the field of SEO. So to answer some of them, John Mueller of Google gave his takes on four of the most common and basic search engine optimisation questions. Here they are: What’s the difference between a 410 and […]
SEO experts and website owners have to consider various factors such as sitemaps and links. One important thing that doesn’t get enough attention, however, is web hosting. Your chosen host is important and can affect major website elements like page speed. In improving your overall site experience and more, choosing a high-quality and SEO-friendly web […]